Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 6

Hello everyone , today my partner and I have decided to only ask the junior teachers to makes things easier for us not having a lot of different recipes.We have also decided that things will go good were going to be positive about things and have the perfect recipe up this month for THANKSGIVING. So far we are going to change a couple things around on how were going to be asking the teachers because last week they had subtitues and we didnt have time to ask them when they werent even going to be in there classroom. Thanksgivin is a great way to spend time with your family and it would be nice if you make your own dessert or try new things that your family might enjoy.Well cant wait this time to post a picture of our favorite dessert for the teacher that we think is the best. 

Week 5

This week we had so many things ahead of us we weren't able to make any desserts for this month that we were also celebrating Halloween. Which i hope you had a fun and safe night for everyone . My partner and I had everything planned for our 20% project so that everyone can see how things were going to work out. Well I apologize my partner had her last volleyball game and I didn't want her to miss anything especially because it was her last game and I didn't want things to make things stressful for her. My busy weekend for not having anything posted up for everyone was because I take a class for Tiger Woods Learning Center which they have good classes there.

 I also want to apologize for not having the time to update things lately.Theirs nothing to worry I will be posting many things for everyone so you guys can enjoy different desserts that our teachers like best.