Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 1

Hello everyone this is my first review I've never made or used a blog so wish me luck. My blog is basically about teachers favorite dessert that Elissa and i will be choosing one that seems delicious and difficult. Our first step of this project is to ask subject by subject and teachers what is their favorite dessert that we can make.For Example, subject by subject we will be starting from the English wing first here at savanna. We will be asking the teachers what is their favorite dessert and if they are allergic. Elissa and i will be making sure that the dessert don't have anything that makes the teacher sick. Since today is October 2 it gets closer and closer to Halloween so then we will be making some dessert that involve spider, witches, monsters.Elissa and i would be preparing things so everything can work out perfect for our 20% project. Below this week i have a proposal of what we had done the first couple of weeks.Thisis basically the steps we had to go through to figure out if our project was going to be successful.

20 Percent Project Proposal

Our project is going to be about baking recipes we will be going around the school
Campus and we will be asking the staff and faculty members about their favorite
Desserts. We will be making them and posting them on our blog. It will also be a Savanna
High School recipe book.

Who is involved?
Frances and I will be working on this project together all the way through. We will
Be taking turns on which house to go to make these desserts. Also the teachers
Will also be participating.

The Audience
On our project the Audience would be every teacher from Savanna High
School. There will also be staff members and the faculty of Savanna. Mr. Lee would
also be one of our audience for our baking project.

What I expect to learn?
We expect to learn how to make different desserts for hard working teachers.
We also expect teachers to see how much students appreciate what they do.We also expect to make every teacher happy and smile.

The expenses will depend on what kind of desserts they like. We hope that
it won't cost as much. If they do we'd be happy to do them regardless.If teachers are allergic to any desserts we will choose the best dessert that every teacher will be able to eat so we won’t have to harm anyone.

Our equipment would be phone , laptop , and an iPod. We can use all of these equipment
for our blog and to be posting things up. These equipments can also be used to post up
our pictures and videos of us baking.Our equipment is important because without it we won't be able to record or post things up of our dessert.

Your product
Our products would be making different desserts and recipes. We will also be making other teachers smile and share some of those desserts with other teachers. Many other things like we will learn how to make different desserts that we might enjoy.The teacher at Savanna High School will be receiving their dessert at the beginning and the end of the month. Every teacher that will get a piece of everything. We will also be sure to ask the teacher if they allergic to anything.

We will make different desserts once a week. We will be posting up videos every week step by step on how we make the desserts. Then when we finish making the desserts we will post a picture up and write down the recipe for it. Well for each month we will be making a dessert that represents that month. For example on Halloween we will make a dessert that involves spider or webs. Also for December will will make a dessert for teachers and the dessert will be decorated in a christmas trees or with colorful lights. We will only be doing two desserts for each month so that it won't be as much. For our project we will make a dessert at the beginning and the end of the month.

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